Friday, September 21, 2012

He Can Do It If He Tries!!!

If anyone can do it, President Obama can.

Can anyone run $5 Trillion dollars in deficit in just one term.  In three words, "Yes He Can":

President BushPresident Obama
2001/02/01 - 2001/09/30$ -53,1292009/02/01 - 2009/09/30$ 1,019,780
2002/09/30$ 158,5202010/09/30$ 1,294,204
2003/09/30$ 374,2192011/09/30$ 1,298,614
2004/09/30$ 412,5532012/08/31$ 1,164,372
2005/09/30$ 318,6152013/09/30
2006/09/30$ 247,6982014/09/30
2007/09/30$ 162,8332015/09/30
2008/09/30$ 454,8062016/09/30
2008/10/01 - 2009/02/01$ 395,9432016/10/01 - 2017/02/01
Totals:$ 2,472,058Totals:$ 4,776,970
It is definitely a long shot, but it is possible.  He has blown out last years numbers with a consistency that is absolutely amazing.

There is hope...

There is no change...

And, for further viewing pleasure: