Saturday, October 28, 2006

From the Northeast???

Re(1): 'War, Punditry, and Farming', Works and Days, VDH

Salvation from the bastion of common sense - the Northeast???
Presidential hopefuls

The Hoover Institution has been hosting Presidential hopefuls. The latest visitor was Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney who spoke to, and received questions from, the Senior Fellows yesterday. For about one hour, he heard some tough inquiries, answered without notes, kept his cool, and talked analytically rather than in platitudes. I was impressed, and came away thinking that being a conservative governor in Massachusetts must have sharpened his debating skills and given him insights about dealing with the therapeutic mindset. I don’t know what he thought of us, but most of us thought him quite impressive.

When VDH speaks, I listen...

A recommendation: When VDH speaks, people should listen...

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