Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Arkin Man and His Poison...

Re(1): ‘The Troops Also Need to Support the American People, Washington Post, A Blitzed William Arkin
Re(2): 'The Arrogant and Intolerant Speak Out', Washington Post, Arkin in the Drunk Tank
Re(3): 'A Note to My Readers', Washington Post, A William Arkin under treatment

I am on a bender too!!!

Not really…

But I am enjoying a glass of ‘Beaulieu Vineyard 2004 Beauzeaux’ that to my pitiful palette is very good. Very good indeed…

But why admit to Boozin’ While Bloggin’?

Because, a Mr. Arkin seems to have the same affliction.

Mr. Arkin posted an ‘Early Warning’ on the WoPo blog while on an end-game drunk. The one question I had (that I attempted to post, but was not permitted to) revolved around a bit too much booze and a whole lotta prune juice. I thought he emptied his shit-bag of an 'id' on the crap paper we know as the Washington Post. Oh, well… I probably should have softened my tone...

So, Arkin sobers up a bit yesterday and writes an apology – sort of… It is I who is arrogant. Not he. While I have never, will never, and can never, have the honor of serving my nation in the military I still take affront to this. He accomplished this feat of excellence one day after a full on slobbering binge – but only sober enough to create complete sentences of acceptable structure. Must have been difficult, though…

And now, our hero – the Arkin Man – has sobered to the point on quasi-apology. But, how do you apologize for stating what you believe? You can’t….

I love it when some brilliant piece of shit - one I could decimate on any topic - informs me to appreciate his betters. Since this blog entry is the first to cuss I will puctuate it with a hearty Fuck You to the Arkin Man...

I hope there is a 12 Step Program for Boozin’ Haters of America…

Yeah, that’s the ticket…

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