Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Predictions of the Left: Oh how I wish I were wrong...

It would have been nice if I was wrong...

But, Err America's Randi Rhodent performed as predicted:

  1. Make BusHitler’s Halliburton Cronies Richer
  2. Raise the Price of Oil and Gas
  3. Prosecute a War on Poverty using National Guard troops
  4. Milk Blue States for a Red State Catastophe

Her predictable responses did not even take a week to shake out.

  1. She noted to her six listeners (check out how many PSAs her show has now) that BusHitler signed a contract in 2004 to give all the hurricane rebuilding money to Halliburton. The Honest Rhodent forgot to mention that the contract was for the rebuilding of military bases. Actually, kindof like an insurance policy and a long term maintenance project. The vast majority of funds will be spent on the commercial and residential rebuilding effort.
  2. She has made repeated bleatings about BusHitler's cronies making money hand over fist by charging usurious rates for gas. Nuf Said...
  3. She read an LA Times article on the air. The article described a fully armed squad of scary National Guard soldiers. These scary killers 'locked and loaded' before joining battle with the displaced and peaceful civilians at the Convention Center. In 'Met by Despair, not Violence', the 'news' journalist embarks on a factless foray into the scary world of Iraq of the West. Trust me, big boys, chilling yells, rounds in the chamber, hair trigger violence. Iraq, Iraq, Iraq... Hey libs, when you portray the military like this is there any wonder why they don't seem to like or respect you...
  4. And, of course, the first refrain the Rhodent squalled was about President Bush using the disaster to to disburse and kill poor black Democrats.

Since many must doubt the veracity of my claims (what human could be so deranged) I will try to find direct links to the first two. It appears that they fell into the memory hole on her website...

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